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The series A club is still interested in the 20 -year -old star loan

According to Jorge Picon, he has come to light that, as he is still closely watching the possible signature of the young defender of Barcelona, ​​Alex Valle, who is currently lent in Celtic.

However, they are waiting for Celtic’s approval, which seem doubts to free it. Despite this, Valle is interested in the idea of ​​joining the Cesc Fábregas team, and there is hope that the agreement can materialize in the near future.

In recent weeks, as initial contact with Celtic to discuss a loan movement for Valle for the second half of the season.

The Italian club identified an opportunity after Celtic’s plans to sign Kieran Tierney from Arsenal. This movement could potentially release space for Valle to leave Celtic on loan, racing the way for him to join.

Barcelona has given green light

How do you want to sign Alex Valle for the second half of the season. (Photo by Rich Story/Getty Images)

Barcelona, ​​where Valle contracts, has not shown objections to the possibility that the young defender changes clubs in the middle of the season.

The Catalan club is fully aware of the situation and has given its approval for the loan. The Barcelona Sports Department supports the idea of ​​playing Valle to how, believing that it will provide the ideal environment to grow and develop more.

However, Barcelona has also made it clear that the loan would only be for six months. This is because coach Hansi Flick wants Valle to return in time to participate in the pre -season preparations of the first team for the next campaign.

Valle had previously extended his contract with Barcelona for an additional year before leaving a loan to Celtic. His current contract with the club now extends until June 2026.

The move to how it could be an exciting opportunity for Valle, providing valuable experience in series A. If the treatment passes, it would be a good step forward in its development while its trip in Barcelona continues.

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