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Barcelona given guarantees about the return of Spotify Camp Nou in May by the construction company

FC Barcelona is in a pickle with respect to the return to the stadium of its home, Spotify Camp Nou, since delays in renewal work have seen that the movement progresses.

Initially, the plan was for the Blaugrana To return to Camp Nou from Montjuic at the end of 2024, but the deadline has continued advancing since the stadium is not ready.

In fact, given the situation, the Catalans are contemplating the Classic Against Real Madrid, which will be played on May 11, to an important stadium in Europe in case a return to the stadium of his home is not possible.

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Barcelona receive guarantee

However, now, Sports World Reports that the construction company Limak has assured Barcelona the availability of Spotify Camp Nou for the last two teams of the team league against Real Madrid and Villarreal on May 11 and 18, as well as a possible semifinal of the League of the League of Champions, if the team progresses. .

Barcelona hopes to finish the season at Camp Nou. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

After the meeting of the Board held this afternoon at the club’s offices, the sources within the organization suggest that Spotify Camp Nou is the only viable option for the final games of the League, with an expected capacity of 60,000 spectators in the stands available.

Recent reports have raised the possibility of finishing the season in Montjuic or even in the Johan Cruyff Stadi, potentially increasing their capacity of 6,000 seats to 15,000 or 17,000 by adding additional seats.

It was also suggested that there was a possibility that Barcelona extended its use of the company Estadi Olimpic Lluis beyond the previously agreed date of April 23.

However, achieving this would depend on reaching an agreement with the organizers of the program of the scheduled concerts, which allows them to postpone.

Despite these contingencies, Barcelona maintains a constant position, stating that the team will end the season at Spotify Camp Nou.

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