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The former player’s situation puts Barcelona at the limit in the key negotiation in the last days of the window

Barcelona closely watches the winter transfer window approaches its conclusion on Monday, February 3.

According to Sport, although the club is not expected to ensure an important firm, there is a potential to financially benefit from an agreement that involves the graduate of the Masia, Nico González, who currently plays for Porto.

The reports suggest that the representatives of Manchester City, Porto and Nico have been in contact during the weekend to explore the possibility of a transfer.

The Pep Guardiola side is dealing with the important setback of the injury of midfielder Rodri, who has left a notable gap in his center of the field.

The Premier League champions are eager to strengthen their team, since they aim to recover the impulse nationwide and prepare for a crucial draw of the Champions League against Real Madrid.

Financial gain for Barcelona

Nico, who shares a similar style with his compatriot Rodri, has become a potential solution for the city.

Nico González is sought by Manchester City. (Photo of Octavio Passos/Getty Images)

Its ability to control the center of the field and contribute to the defensive makes it an attractive option not only for the immediate situation but also for the future.

Barcelona can win from this possible transfer. The Catalan club retained a percentage of Nico’s transfer rights when they sold it to Porto for € 8.5 million.

If the agreement is made, with Manchester City seeking to negotiate a rate of around € 40 million, Barcelona could be pocketed approximately 16 million euros of the transaction.

FC Porto is now flexible

The proposed transfer rate is below the Nico release clause of 60 million euros, but Porto seems open to discussions.

According to reports, the player is interested in moving to Manchester and working under Guardiola, recognizing the opportunity to compete at the highest level in European football.

In the event that the agreement materializes, it would provide a financial impulse to Barcelona while giving Nico the opportunity to further develop his career in one of the most successful clubs in the world.

The next few days will be crucial to determine if this transfer becomes a reality.

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