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Barcelona satisfied with the ‘bono’ received from the transfer of the former midfielder – Report

One of the main agreements towards the end of the winter window was the transfer of Nico González to Manchester City, which also had implications for FC Barcelona.

Nico, a product of the Barça academy that went to Porto in 2023, with the Blaugrana retain a 40% future sales clause for him.

The 23 -year -old midfielder ended up leaving Porto for 60 million euros (the value of his release clause) on the deadline, which meant a substantial income for Barcelona.

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Barcelona satisfied with the operation

Now Sports World The reports that Barcelona is more than happy and satisfied with the ‘bonus’ they received from the transfer of Nico González de Porto to Manchester City.

Initially, it was believed that Barcelona was entitled to 40% of the transfer rate of 60 million euros, amounting to € 24 million.

Nico left Porto to join Man City. (Photo of Octavio Passos/Getty Images)

However, Porto later announced the Blaugrana I would only receive just over 13 million euros.

It was because before accepting Manchester City, the Portuguese team paid 3 million euros to reduce Barça’s participation in capital gain by half, 20%.

In total, including the initial transfer from Nico to Porto, who paid Barcelona € 8.5 million in the summer of 2023, the academy’s product contributed a total of € 21.82 million to the coffers of Barcelona.

Despite the fact that the final amount was less than expected, Barcelona highly valued the operation and is satisfied with the agreement.

In addition, Barcelona also plans to replicate this pattern in future operations.

Instead of focusing on loans, where there is a risk of reducing the value of a player, the priority will be to transfer young players to sell equipment such as Porto or their other Portuguese rivals, while ensuring a percentage of a future sale and an option purchase purchase.

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