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Barcelona receives the green light to continue at the Montjuic stadium until May 30

According Sports WorldFC Barcelona has received the green light from the Barcelona City Council to continue playing at Estadi Olimpic Lluis Company in Montjuic until the season ends.

However, the Blaugrana’s The intention remains to return to Spotify Camp Nou before the curtains fall in the current season.

What is the story?

Barcelona’s initial plan was to return to Camp Nou at the end of 2024, but with construction delays, the deadline was moved, and the club extended its rental agreement in Montjuic until April.

However, concerts scheduled at the Montjuic stadium and continuous delays in Camp Nou meant that Barça was considering playing the Classic May 11 in an important European stadium.

But, once it was confirmed that the Rolling Stones would not be touring Europe in May and would not act in Estadi Lluis Companys, Barcelona quickly requested an extension for the use of the stadium until the end of the season.

Delays in the renovation of Camp Nou. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

Now, the City Council has given the green light to the application, allowing the Blaugrana To continue playing at the stadium until May 30. Contracts are being written to formalize the extent of the stadium rent.

Despite this development, Barcelona continues to work to complete the season at Spotify Camp Nou, with a capacity of 60,000 spectators at the lower and higher levels.

The construction company, Limak, has provided guarantees that the ongoing work will allow the team to return before the season ends.

In addition, to accelerate renewal work, Barcelona and the City Council are close to reaching an agreement that would allow construction work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This would help accelerate the final stages of renewal in the iconic club’s iconic land.

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