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How Long Does It Take to See Results from Yoga?

Have you ever wondered how long it’ll take to see some changes after doing yoga? So, in this article we will be knowing that together. 

Understanding the Journey. 🧘

Firstly, it is important to know that yoga is a long process journey. You need to give time to see the changes. To see the benefits patience and consistency is the key.

Physical Changes.

  • Flexibility: Many individuals start to feel more easier after about 4-8 weeks of regular practice.
  • Strength: If you want to build muscle through yoga can take around 6-8 weeks.
  • Balance: Improvement in the balance generally comes after 5 weeks of consistent practice.
Benefits of the 4 Phases of Breathing or Pranayama in Yoga

Mental and Emotional Benefits. 🧘

  • Stress and Depression Reduction: Some people feel calm after a few sessions of practicing, while for others, it can take a few weeks.(1)
  • Better Sleep: You will notice improvement in the sleep quality.

Consistency is Key.

To see these benefits, aim for at least 2-3 yoga sessions per week. Remember, everyone’s body is different, so listen to yours and give it the time it needs.

People Often Ask.

1.  Can I lose weight with yoga?

Yes, you can especially with more different forms of Vinyasa or Power Yoga. Combine the yoga forms with a balanced diet to see the changes earliest.

2. I’m not flexible at all. Can I still do yoga?

Yes, you can. Yoga is for every individual. With more practice and time you can notice the flexibility in your body.

3. How long should each session be?

Even for a 20-30 minutes in your daily routine can be beneficial.

Take Away.

In short it can be say that with regular practice yoga can help you with abundance of benefits. Both for mind as well as your body. So, incorporate this in your daily routine and start noticing the changes.

+1 Source

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  1. Treating major depression with yoga: A prospective, randomized, controlled pilot trial;

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