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The young man from Barcelona almost undertakes New Deal before sealing the permanent departure

As reported by Mundo Deportivo, Pau Prim was about to extend his contract with Barcelona, ​​but an unexpected financial offer from Al Sadd in Qatar, along with another proposal from the Saudi Arabia Club, al Qadisiyah, launched a key in the works.

The attention to Atlético del Barça, the second team in Barcelona, ​​is growing, with Prim now in the center of it. This occurs after the probable game of Unai Hernández to Al-Ithad in Saudi Arabia, which has left the team with a gap.

Prim is currently in conversations with Qatari Club al Sadd about a possible movement, although the agreement may not be completed to the summer transfer window.

The negotiations are still ongoing, and it is possible that the agreement may have a significant impact immediately.

However, the situation is more complex than it seems. If Primo delays its move to SADD, the Qatari club would avoid paying the transfer rate now, which is a considerable amount of money.

There is still a job to do

On the other hand, this means that Prim would be marginalized until June, similar to the last months, where he has been absent from the squad on an athletic side of Barça in difficulties.

Pau Prim is close to moving to Qatar. (Photo of Philip Fong/AFP through Getty Images)

Currently, the team is only one point above the descent zone in the second federation, which makes the absence of Prim Prima a crucial blow for the survival of the team in the League.

Sources close to Barcelona have confirmed that Prim had initially agreed to a long -term contract renewal with the club.

Multiple reasons for your departure

However, the lucrative financial offers of Al SADD and Al Qadisiya arrested the progress of the agreement, despite all the documentation for the new contract that is already being prepared.

The scale of financial proposals made Primolas reject.

Another factor in Prim’s decision could be the lack of a clear sporting future in Barcelona.

As one of the most promising midfielders in youth football, his rise within the club has been hindered by the promotion of Marc Casado to the first team and Marc Bernal.

This change in the approach of the Management of Barcelona may have influenced the decision of Prim in exploring offers that would guarantee a more prominent role.

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