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The prodigy of Barcelona went to Limbo after the Qatar movement fails: What comes next?

The recent transfer of Unai Hernández to Saudi Arabia received green light, but there was another agreement in process, one that involved Pau Prim.

However, as things are, Prim remains part of the reserve team, and there is no indications that a contract renewal is on the horizon, Sport reports.

To do the most complicated things, the Qatar market, where a possible movement for him had been discussed, has closed.

This leaves the future of primer, and its situation has only worsened with the closure of the winter transfers market in most leagues.

What’s still for Prim?

Prim, who has spent several weeks without making the team due to his refusal to renew his contract with Barcelona, ​​now faces an even more precarious position.

In recent weeks, it was speculated that he could move to Qatar, with the interested SADD and the ongoing conversations. Unfortunately for the midfielder, the Qatar market closed its doors on January 31, closing that potential option.

The transfer of PAU Primal failed. (Photo of Vasile Mihai-Antonio/Getty Images for DFB)

His situation is further complicated by the fact that Barcelona will probably not receive a transfer rate for him.

The Prim case is unique because his contract with Barcelona expires on June 30, without leaving time for a possible winter transfer.

A movement during this window could have been a good solution for both parties, especially taking into account how separate the positions of the player and the club have become separate.

A movement that could have been

Prim had a strong interest from Al SADD and also received a proposal from Al Qadasiya in Saudi Arabia, but with both transfer markets now closed, the possibility of a game this winter has disappeared.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the Barcelona Reserve team, Barça Atlètic, is not in the best position. Having a Player of Prim’s ability on the side does not benefit the club or the player.

However, the decision falls to the club’s management, which has demonstrated in the past, with cases such as Víctor Barberá, which are willing to adopt a firm position.

Barcelona’s base management does not seem likely to change its approach in the short term.

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