Corn planted early and in the middle of the year are progressing very well.. Those implanted at the end of August-beginning of September, as a first, are in full bloom, with the emerged panicle discharging pollen towards the ears, in full definition of the yield. “They already have a part of the achievable potential because it is known that the yield depends mainly on the rains 20 days before and 20 days after full flowering. The latest rainfall, although accumulated losses, allowed them to emerge victorious in the first half of that match. 50 millimeters or more would be needed in the next few days, in the second half, to ensure trend or above-average yields,” says a soccer producer.
Those planted laterplanted from early to mid-October, they will flower later, around Christmas, and They are also in very good condition.but they expect more water for the definition of the performance match. For now they are 1 to 1, although with a chance of winning if the La Niña event finally decides to leave its expression for another championship.
At this particular stage of corn cultivation, producers must monitor two main factors. On the one hand, walk the pastures a lot to control the presence of rust, whose attacks can compromise the leaf arear. “For now, there are no important developments because the fungus that causes it needs a lot of free water and high ambient humidity for several days in a row to proliferate,” states a technician from the south of Santa Fe. However, he advises checking the lots and, given the risk of disease development, make a fungicide application, which is fully justified because between product and application no more than two to three quintals per hectare are spent.
In high-tech crops it is also necessary to ensure a good supply of boron.. This nutrient positively influences the quality of stems and grains; It is usually applied before flowering and the treatment demands 12 to 18 dollars per hectare. Both precautions are very important in this campaign because traveling along the routes you see very few prime corn, which generates prospects for very good values during the coming months.