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The Chief of the League takes another chance in Barcelona for registration controversy: ‘We are against this’

The president of the League, Javier Tebas, is still firm in his position regarding the registration of Dani Olmo and Pau Victor, despite the precautionary measure granted by the Spanish Sports Board (CSD).

This allowed both players to appear in the Spanish Super Cup final in Saudi Arabia. However, Thebes is convinced that the registration of these players will eventually be reversed.

His position became evident during an event organized by the Association of Press Sports in Madrid (APDM), where LaLiga received recognition for his “LaLiga vs.” Initiative, whose objective is to combat hate crimes both in football and society.

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Against registration

Thebes expressed a strong opposition to the Olmo registration by Barcelona, ​​stating that LaLiga is actively challenging this decision in the appropriate legal bodies.

He stressed that LaLiga believes that the registration was not carried out in accordance with the law and is fully supporting the clubs that have expressed their concerns.

Javier Thebas is not happy with Dani Olmo’s record. (Photo of Alex Caparros/Getty images)

“We are against registration and we are putting the resources that correspond to us in the relevant bodies. And where we ask that it is not registered, logically, ” He said he said that as cited by World Deportvo,

Thebes acknowledged that these clubs have a valid point, since LaLiga’s actions reflect their belief that a legal error has been made in this case.

“They are right. If, as a league, we are increasing the corresponding resources, it is because we believe that a decision has not been taken in accordance with the law as it should be. ” Added.

Challenging the result

When asked about the possibility that clubs can challenge the games in which Olmo plays, Thebes clarified that once a player is registered with a license, there is no legal way to dispute the result of a game.

Olmo currently has a valid license, which means that even if LaLiga’s appeal is successful at a later stage, it will not affect the result of any game in which he has already played.

“In the field of sports law, when a player has a license, and at this time Dani Olmo has a license to play, there is no room to challenge a game, even if he can then govern our favor.” Explained.

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