What would be the optimal pace you have to follow to lose fat and not lose a lot of muscle, to gain muscle and not accumulate a lot of fat. These are doubts that arise in people who want to have a physical change, therefore, we want you to perfectly understand what rhythms you have to follow for this fat loss to be optimal, as well as this gain of muscle mass.
The Answer to How Long It Takes to Make a Physical Change.
The importance of rhythms and the curvature of our profits
To define the rhythms of how much fat to lose or how much muscle mass to gain, it is very important that we understand our level of training. That is to say, it is very important that we understand that our progress is not going to be linear , but rather that first we are going to have great gains but, little by little, it is going to cost us more to have results. The curve is going to flatten and it will take a lot of effort and a lot of work to make a profit.
The pace of body fat loss.
There are many who want to lose body fat but do not know how much fat they have to lose so that it does not affect their muscle mass gain and so that it does not affect the muscle mass they previously had.
The objective is, obviously, to lose fat but maintain muscle mass as much as possible, which is why it is important that we work on strength , that we work with intense loads and that we give that muscle a stimulus.

It is very important that you establish a maximum weekly weight loss limit, of about 0.7 or 1 percent per week, which is, more or less, approximately half or one kilo of weight per week. It must be taken into account that these values will respond according to your level of training and whether you are a beginner or not . The more beginner you are, the more weight you will lose at first, since you will be at the beginning of the results curve.
If we want to lose around half a kilo per week, we should have a deficit of 500 calories a day, but without having a very restrictive diet and training so strictly that it prevents us from training again the next day.
The rate of muscle gain.
In this case it is not so simple, while we lose fat what happens is that you will quickly realize how you are losing, in the case of muscle mass gain it is super slow .
One of the most important points to understand the rate at which we have to gain muscle mass is to differentiate between whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced.
You will be one or ortho depending on your ability to progress in the gym. A beginner will improve session by session, an intermediate, approximately week by week, and an advanced will improve every few months .
Rate of muscle gain in a beginner.
If you are a beginner, you will notice that you will have enough capacity to progress in terms of the rate of muscle mass gain. You will see that you will make a little progress every day.
You will see that you will gain around 1-1.5% of body weight per month, but we want you to keep in mind that as you progress, the results will take longer to see.
Rate of muscle gain in an intermediate or advanced person.
If you are an intermediate person, you will not see results every day, but you will see results from week to week, seeing that your weight increases between 0.5-1% of weight per month. Be patient and consistent, because if you maintain a routine and a tolerable demand, you will notice the results over time .
In the case of an advanced person, the value is around 0.5% per month, with the time that passes between progress and progress being greater, with results being seen even after several months. Therefore, it is important that you have patience and perseverance, you are doing things right, it is just a matter of time and willpower to work every day.