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Gerard Piqué mocks the Real Madrid legend with the celebration of ‘La Manita’ after the Super Cup triumph

The Classic It is always special, especially when Barcelona beats its eternal rivals in the final of an event.

The only thing better than Barcelona Classic winning is The Little Hand or a demolition of the rival by scoring five goals, something that took place last night in Saudi Arabia in the final of the Spanish Super Cup.

As the years went by, Gerard Piqué became the face of the famous The Little Hand Celebration: Holding his hand high in the sky during his playing days and signaling to the world that Barcelona had surpassed five goals. The Whites.

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Gerard Piqué took advantage of his opportunity yesterday to celebrate Barcelona’s historic victory over Real Madrid and did not forget his ‘hand’ celebration.

The Barcelona legend was with former Real Madrid superstar Iker Casillas, following the match from Turin.

After the final whistle, Pigue pointed with his hand and directly pointed out to Casillas the destruction of Real Madrid, which the legendary goalkeeper accepted with sportsmanship and joined in the fun.

The video of the incident was published on the Kings League’s official social network with the title ‘Good evening everyone’, rubbing salt in Real Madrid’s wounds.

Interestingly, however, Piqué was not the pioneer behind the famous hand celebration. It was Johan Cruyff’s assistant, Tony Bruins Slot, in 1993-94 who first invented the gesture that has now become a tradition.

Piqué had the opportunity to show the gesture on the field for the first time in 2010, when Pep Guardiola’s Barcelona defeated Real Madrid 5-0 and repeated it in 2018, when the Catalans destroyed their rivals with a score of 5-0. 1.

He may not have been on the field last night, but the Cule inside him is still alive and so he took advantage of his opportunity.

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