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Bayern Munich Speedster agent breaks silence about Barcelona’s interest after renewal

After a dragged saga, Alphonso Davies signed a new contract with Bayern Munich on Tuesday, compromising his future to the Bundesliga Club until 2030.

The previous agreement of the 24 -year -old Canadian left side would expire at the end of the season and for a long time it seemed to leave the Bavarian as a free agent.

While Real Madrid showed the greatest interest in acquiring the defender’s services, Barcelona was also interested in him.

After all, the Blaugrana’s The current manager, Hansi Flick, was a key figure in the development of Davies at Bayern Munich, something they expected to give them the advantage in possible negotiations.

However, nothing came out at the end, with Davies, opting to sign a new agreement with Bayern Munich.

Davies agent on Barcelona’s interest

Speaking to the media after the renewal of the Davies contract in Bayern Munich, his agent, Nedal Huoseh, confirmed that they had serious conversations with Real Madrid about a measure.

Davies signed a new contract with Bayern. (Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images)

The representative of the Canadian left side asked if there was interest in Barcelona and if there were conversations between the two parties, to which he responded (h/t as):

“There was interest in some Spanish clubs, but as they know, we only talk with some clubs, maybe three or four.”

Continuing, he added: “Some clubs asked us to maintain confidential negotiations, and I respected it. But in the Premier League, there was an interest of two or three clubs, as well as in Spain.

“However, the player’s options were limited: only around five clubs showed a genuine interest in signing it.”

While Huoseh could have chosen to stay shy on the issue of Barcelona’s interest, it is known that there were meetings between him and the Blaugrana Sporting Deco Director.

However, the salaries and demands of Davies bonus would probably always be an important obstacle in the agreement. In the end, however, the player has chosen to continue with Bayern.

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