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Barcelona’s exploration staff member in Italy opens to roles: ‘Looking for a new Lamine Yamal’

The resurgence of Barcelona this season owes a lot to several factors that have worked well in cohesion. However, one of the greatest is the academy.

The Masia It has produced some elite talents in recent years and several of the players that Hansi Flick is confident that regular customers are local stars, including Alejandro Balde, Gavi, Marc Casado, Lamine Yamal and Pau Cubarsi.

Executing a successful academy and producing such elite talents, it is not necessary to say that it depends largely on the explorers that Barcelona has.

Andrea Mancini, son of the famous manager Roberto Mancini, is one of those crucial members who joined the club in the summer as a Barcelona explorer in Italy.

Mancini talks about his role

Speaking to the media in a recent interaction, Mancini spoke about his role in the club, how he joined Barcelona and a large number of other issues related to The Masia.

He began making a trip through the memory lane and looking back to how he approached Joan Laporta’s son.

“It was a unique opportunity, impossible to say no. We had been in contact for some years. I know Laporta’s son and this summer called me to ask me if I could be interested in the project. “

“Then we worked in synergy in the operation that led Pedrola to Sampdoria. Of course, I accepted the offer and came here “, He added to the maneuver that he saw him move to Catalonia.

Speaking about his role to explore new young talents, he said: “I spend the market in Italy. Deco needed a figure to act as a “link” between Italy and Barcelona. “

“I will see many games here and in our country and then I will talk to the director. It always has the last word, obviously, ” Added.

Andrea Mancini works in close collaboration with Decco. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

Then he explained his work in very simple terms, saying: “I made a very big jump, but things are going well. I am looking for a New Lamine Yamal “.

Then, Mancini opened on the goal of Barcelona with the Masia and how the club makes a conscious effort to ensure that the academy receives enough prominence.

“The club’s challenge is to obtain at least 4 or 5 children from La Masía to enter the first team every year. And the challenge is fulfilled every year. “

He also praised Lamine Yamal for the elite level that shows at 17 years of age.

“Look at Yamal, it’s easy to say, but three years have passed. It will become stronger than everyone, even Messi.

He even gave his two cents in the next next generation of talents, including Toni Fernández and praised to the extreme.

“Among the boys who are now arriving at the first team, if I have to name one, I would say that Toni Fernández. He is 16 years old, has already made his debut and has everything to be a champion. ” said.

Finally, Mancini praised his colleague Bojan Krkic and elaborated what the former Barcelona player brought to the Masia table.

“It is a privilege for children that someone like him explain what it means to grow and play in this club. It is in your DNA. His story also has a lot to teach. “

“The psychological aspect, knowing how to handle pressure and know how to help children. I am also learning a lot from a figure like him “, Added.

Source: AS

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