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Barcelona will have a scout present at the South American U-20 Championship

The South American Under-20 Championship is set to begin this week in Venezuela with a host of exciting young players on display.

This tournament is a key event for the main European clubs, which travel the region in search of new talent. And it is not different for FC Barcelona either.

Barcelona will look for players for the South American U-20

In fact, according to Joaquim Piera of SPORT, Barcelona will have a presence in the South American U-20 Championship in Venezuela, with one of its specialized scouts in the region in charge of monitoring the players.

In the last edition, held in 2023 in Colombia, the blaugrana He took note of Vítor Roque, who at that time was an emerging player for Atlético Paranaense.

Roque became the tournament’s top scorer and champion with Brazil and soon after signed for Barcelona.

Franco Mastantuono will be in action at the tournament. (Photo by Daniel Jayo/Getty Images)

This is the second South American tournament in 2025 with the presence of Barcelona. Another scout has spent the last three weeks in Brazil following the ‘Copinha’ tournament, Brazil’s main under-20 club competition.

Regarding the South American Under-20, great talents will be present such as the Argentine Claudio Echeverri, who has already signed for Manchester City, and his compatriot Julio Soler, who plays for Bournemouth.

Another Argentine talent, Alex Woiski, who plays in Spain with Mallorca, is already on Barcelona’s agenda.

Franco Mastantuono is another player that blaugrana They have been credited with an interest in the past.

The activation of the 1:1 rule now creates a new opportunity for the Catalans, who could once again chase Mastantuono, who is expected to reach a world-class level.

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