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Barcelona expects unexpected unexpected gain of transfer drama in Italy

According to a recent report from Mundo Deportivo, Estanis Pedrola, who first appeared in the Senior team in Barcelona during the 2021-22 season, is on the verge of a significant movement in Italy.

This development is expected to become official soon, possibly as soon as today. Despite the limited time of play in Sampdoria in series B, Pedrola will now join Bologna, a club that currently feels seventh in series A.

The loan agreement includes an option for Bologna to buy the player at the end of the season.

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Barcelona is closely monitoring this agreement due to financial interests linked to Pedrola’s professional career. When the Catalan club initially transferred it to Sampdoria, they wisely retained 50% of the rights of any future sale.

Estanis Pedrola is likely to move to Bologna. (Photo through the official FC Barcelona website)

This strategic decision could be lucrative if the player works well in Bologna. Until now, Barcelona has already secured 3 million euros of Sampdoria, a contingent sum that Pedrola plays ten games during his loan period in the 2023-24 season.

The original loan agreement with Sampdoria in the summer of 2023 included a clause that required the Italian club to pay 3 million euros if Pedrola participated in ten games, which triggered the total acquisition of Sampdoria to the player.

However, Barcelona retained a repurchase option valued at € 7 million, which can be activated up to 2025. In addition, they safeguard 50% of any future transfer rate.

The move to Bologna comes with a direct purchase option, which means that if the Italian side decides to assure Pedrola permanently, Barcelona will benefit financially.

The club’s decision to maintain a repurchase clause and a significant part of any future sale underlines its belief in Pedrola’s potential and its intention to remain involved in its development.

If Pedrola thrives in Bologna, he could open multiple possibilities for all parties involved.

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