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“They are not our rivals”: why Real Madrid keeps a “low profile” amid Barcelona’s registration problems

Barcelona are currently facing significant challenges in registering Dani Olmo and Pau Víctor, despite returning to the 1:1 financial fair play rule.

Even with Joan Laporta’s efforts to overcome these financial limitations, the club has been forced to seek the intervention of the Spanish Sports Council (CSD) to resolve its registration issues.

Barcelona expects a positive verdict on Tuesday from the CSD, which has the authority to allow a precautionary measure to sign these two individuals.

However, Barcelona’s efforts to register Olmo and Víctor have not been well received by other La Liga clubs, with teams such as Atlético Madrid, Athletic Club and Sevilla publicly urging La Liga to impose strict control.

Why is Real Madrid silent?

Real Madrid, however, have kept a low profile in this difficult time for FC Barcelona, ​​refusing to make any public statement on the matter.

Real Madrid has remained silent about Barcelona’s registration problems (Photo by JAVIER SORIANO/AFP via Getty Images)

A recent report by Manuel Amor has shed light on the subject, even revealing the statements of the president of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, on the matter.

“Barcelona must be left alone: ​​they are our partners, not a rival” Perez said at a relaxed cocktail party.

The report adds that Real Madrid’s strategic silence is due to its shared vision with Barcelona, ​​especially with regards to the Super League project.

Both clubs have been instrumental in promoting this new competition, seeing it as a path towards greater financial stability and influence in European football.

Florentino Pérez and Joan Laporta have been allies in this venture, with little support from other major clubs, which has required a united front.

Furthermore, Real Madrid’s approach reflects a broader strategy in which sporting rivalry is overshadowed by mutual institutional interests.

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