Team India’s star batsman Shubman Gill has been summoned by the Crime Branch of the Gujarat CID. Reports have emerged about Gill’s involvement in a Rs 450 crore check fund scam. Along with Gill, three other Gujarat Titans players have been issued summons. These include Sai Sudarshan, Mohit Sharma and Rahul Tewatia.
Why is Shubman Gill being summoned?
Shubman Gill reportedly invested Rs 1.95 crore in the Bhupendrasinh Zala Ponzi scheme. This made him one of the largest investors among the cricketers involved. The others supposedly invested smaller amounts. Despite these claims, investigators are yet to find a direct link between Zala, Shubman Gill and other cricketers. Currently, Shubman is in Sydney with the Indian team.
Officials have seized unofficial financial records during the raids and are examining transactions linked to Zala companies. Key entities under suspicion include BZ Financial Services and BZ Traders.
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Speaking to Ahmedabad Mirror, a CID official stated, “If Zala is found guilty, strict action will be taken. Teams are reviewing his accounts to assess the extent of the fraud.”
Zala Ponzi Scheme Details
Zala is a resident of Himmatnagar in Gujarat. He has allegedly defrauded 11,000 investors with his Ponzi schemes. Reports claim that he has been doing this for four years now. It initially paid customers, but once trust was built, payments stopped. He used the money to buy assets worth Rs. 100 crores for him.
Zala operated through various entities such as BZ Financial Services and BZ Traders. It attracted investors by promising exorbitant returns: up to 36% annually. After weeks on the run, Zala was arrested in Mehsana on December 27, 2024. He will remain in custody until January 4, 2025.
Shubman Gill is currently in Australia and will likely take part in the Sydney Test. You will not face any immediate legal action. However, the Gujarat CID can summon you later once you have discharged your national duty. Rumors emerged about his unavailability for the Sydney test, but as of now they are all false.
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