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Report: Key details of the Barcelona Stalwart release clause after the renewal of the contract

Ronald Araujo signed a new contract with FC Barcelona last week, compromising his future to the club until the summer of 2031.

The renewal occurred as a surprise change since the Uruguayan international seemed to be inclined towards a departure only a few days before signing the new agreement.

It is understood that the new Araujo contract has a liberation clause lower than 1 billion euros of its previous agreement.

Since the club does not reveal the real value of the termination clause, there have been several statements that circulate in the media.

Key details

Now, Miguel Rico has presented more details about Araujo’s launch clause as part of his new contract in Barcelona.

As initially reported, the release clause for the 25 -year -old club captain is set at 65 million euros for the summer of 2025, increasing to 85 million euros from the winter transfer window next year.

The key detail that was not shared above is that the clause includes an important warning. While the cited figures are precise, the main European clubs that are direct competitors in Barcelona exclude.

Araujo’s new contract has a 65 million euros release clause. (Photo by Angel Martinez/Getty Images)

In fact, the amount of the release clause is much higher for the so -called ‘super clubs’ in Europe, such as Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, PSG and Manchester City, to name some teams that could be direct rivals for Barça in the league UEFA Champions.

According to the reports, for such clubs, Araujo’s launch clause is established in a figure between € 300 million and € 400 million, making sure that signing it from Barcelona is not easy for those teams.

Possible summer movement

With the situation as it is, there are little doubt that in summer, some clubs will approach Barcelona with enough money to try to ensure the services of Araujo.

Ultimately, the decision will rest with the player, who will have to choose between the glory of playing for Barcelona and the financial rewards to join a second level team.

These next months will be crucial for the future of Araujo. Much will depend on the game time you receive, now that Inigo Martínez will return, and how he works in the matches, has an opportunity.

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