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Legal expert explains why Barcelona cannot register Dani Olmo today

Sports law expert Toni Roca has shared his opinion on Barcelona’s current struggle to register Dani Olmo and Pau Víctor at the club, pointing out that it would be highly unlikely for the club to register the two players today.

He made it clear that the rules surrounding player registration are strict and that it would be a surprise if Barcelona managed to find a way around them.

“It would be a surprise if Barça managed to register Dani Olmo because the regulations are clear.” he began to say.

According to Roca, the club’s confidence seems misplaced, as the situation currently seems impossible to resolve.

“I am a little surprised by the confidence that Barça transmits because today it is impossible” he added.

Important day for Barcelona

Today is a crucial day for Barcelona, ​​as they will know whether or not Olmo and Víctor can join the team’s squad.

After facing two previous setbacks, the club is now focusing its efforts on persuading La Liga to reinstate the 1:1 rule. If successful, this would allow them to register new players as they initially hoped.

Barcelona’s strategy to win La Liga includes providing evidence of funds raised from the sale of VIP seats at the Camp Nou. This transaction, valued between 100 and 120 million euros, has already been deposited in the club’s account.

Barcelona’s argument

However, Barcelona argues that the money was blocked due to banking procedures, which prevented the funds from being fully processed.

According to the club, the funds were secured before December 31, but no banking operations are carried out during the period between the afternoon of December 31 and January 2.

As a result, the payment was delayed until January 3, causing Barcelona to miss the transfer window deadline.

This explanation marks Barcelona’s latest attempt to resolve the issue and potentially find a way to register their new signings.

If their application is rejected once again, the club could find itself paralyzed and unable to register the two players until new solutions are found.

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