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Barcelona’s new mascot CAT brings unwanted losing streak

Barcelona’s introduction of its new CAT mascot, characterized as a wild cat, an indigenous cat from Catalonia, to celebrate the club’s 125th anniversary has coincided with a worrying streak, particularly at home.

Since the introduction of the mascotthe catalan giants have suffered consecutive defeats in their once formidable homeleaving fans wondering if the performance has brought more bad luck than celebration.

A look at the streak

The unfortunate run began with a 1-2 loss to Las Palmas, marking the first home game since the mascot’s debut.

After this, Barcelona faced Leganés, another disappointing match, which ended in a narrow 0-1 defeat.

To make matters worse, they next hosted Atlético Madrid, a match that many hoped would bring redemption. However, that also ended in a 1-2 loss, solidifying a worrying pattern.

Barcelona has had problems since

Barcelona has not won a home game since introducing the mascot. (Photo by Alex Caparrós/Getty Images)

During this period, Barcelona’s struggles extended beyond their stadium. Between matches against Las Palmas and Atlético de Madrid, the team participated in six matches across all competitions, both home and away.

Of these six games, they only achieved victories on two occasions, defeating Mallorca 5-1 in La Liga and Borussia Dortmund 3-2 in Europe.

These victories provided brief moments of relief, but did little to erase widespread concerns about their current form.

Additionally, Barcelona’s away match against Real Betis ended in a draw, further highlighting their inability to dominate matches during this challenging phase.

Despite promising moments, their performances lacked the consistency and dominance that has historically defined the club.

While the introduction of the mascot was meant to symbolize unity and celebration, the timing of its introduction has, perhaps unintentionally, added to the narrative surrounding the team’s declining results.

It remains to be seen whether this is a mere coincidence or a sign of deeper problems within the team.

What is clear, however, is that Barcelona need to quickly rediscover their winning ways to restore confidence among their fans and return the fear factor to their stadium.

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