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Barcelona unlikely to receive injunction to register duo despite positive RFEF report

After LaLiga and the RFEF made it clear that they would not grant the registrations of Dani Olmo and Pau Víctor, FC Barcelona has gone to the Higher Sports Council (CSD) of Spain to resolve.

He blaugrana He will present his case to the CSD on Tuesday in hopes of receiving an injunction that will allow Olmo and Victor to be registered for the second half of the season.

Today it has been stated that Barça may have a good chance of obtaining a positive verdict after the RFEF issued a report that favored the Catalans’ position.

The RFEF report recognized that the regulation in question was designed for cases of players who intended to terminate their contract but the situation of Olmo and Pau Víctor, however, was different.

It could have given Barcelona significant leverage when it presents its case to the CSD tomorrow.

Green light unlikely

However, journalist Alfredo Martínez now reports that despite the favorable report issued by the RFEF on the Olmo and Pau Víctor cases, everything indicates that Barcelona will not obtain the precautionary measure to register them.

There is no relief in sight. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

In that case, the last resort for the blaugrana It would be to appeal to ordinary justice, which will probably be done within ten days, after which there is the possibility that the duo could be registered.

This would mean that Olmo and Víctor will not be registered in time to play in the Spanish Super Cup this week, despite the fact that Barça took them to Saudi Arabia in the hope of having them available for the final, provided they qualified.

The situation has created some tension within the Barcelona dressing room, while opposition groups have been pressuring the club’s president, Joan Laporta, to resign.

It remains to be seen how the situation develops in the coming days, but as things stand, it seems unlikely that Barcelona will receive a favorable verdict from the CSD.

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