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Barcelona ready to reach a key agreement with the City Council that could accelerate Camp Nou return

FC Barcelona and the Barcelona City Council are about to reach an agreement that could significantly accelerate the ongoing renewal work in Spotify Camp Nou, reports Sports World.

Both parties are in good communication and are looking to allow construction to continue 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in an attempt to meet the key deadlines.

Spotify’s Camp Nou renewal is progressing but with some delays, which leads to the postponement of the Catalans’ return to their sacred home. However, construction work could see a significant acceleration of next week.

Barcelona and the construction company Limak have established a goal for the team to return to the stadium for the The classic Against Real Madrid, which is scheduled for May 11.

An almost finished agreement between the club and the Barcelona City Council could help make this possible.

Barcelona expects to return to Camp Nou in May. (Photo of Alex Caparros/Getty images)

According to the report, Barcelona and the local authorities, with the approval of the residents of Les Corts, they are close to finishing an agreement that would allow the work in the stadium to continue more quickly.

The agreement would allow construction workers to operate throughout the day, every day of the week.

If there are no setbacks, the agreement is expected to be formalized next week, giving Limak a little more than three months to move forward with the works and meet the objective of having the spotify Camp Camp Read on time for the Classic In May.

If it does not materialize, the Blaugrana I could move the Classic For the Estadi Johan Cruyff, while the idea of ​​playing in an important European stadium is also being considered.

However, the priority remains the match at the renewed Camp Nou, which will be able to accommodate about 60,000 fans.

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