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What prevents Barcelona from registering Olmo and Víctor despite returning to the 1:1 rule?

The situation surrounding Dani Olmo’s signing at FC Barcelona continues to drag on, but finally there is encouraging progress for the club.

Late on Friday night, La Liga informed Barcelona that it had completed its review of the documents submitted on December 30 and 31.

As a result, La Liga granted the blaugrana the 1:1 financial fair play rule, which represents an important step forward. This change allows Barcelona to enter the winter transfer market without restrictions, returning normality to its transactions.

This evolution is crucial for Barcelona, ​​as it was a necessary step to register Olmo and Pau Víctor. The club had formally requested registration on December 30, but obstacles remain.

La Liga has not yet approved the registration of both players, and Barcelona firmly denies having any informal agreement with La Liga on this matter.

What’s the problem now?

According to Mundo Deportivo, at the heart of the issue is a disagreement over the interpretation of the regulations.

The League maintains its position that the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) does not accept Barcelona’s interpretation of “force majeure” according to article 130 of the General Regulations.

Pau Víctor and Dani Olmo are not registered yet. (Photo by Alex Caparrós/Getty Images)

While internal discussions within the RFEF continue, there is caution due to the recent change in leadership, with Rafael Louzan assuming the presidency.

Meanwhile, Barcelona continues to press for a resolution to be reached. The club updated both La Liga and the RFEF on Friday night, providing additional information in this regard.

However, the RFEF has not yet formally registered any request for player registration by LaLiga through established procedures.

So what’s next?

If La Liga continues to reject the registration of Olmo and Víctor, Barcelona is prepared to aggravate the problem.

The club is considering requesting a precautionary measure from the Sports Administrative Court (CSD) or even going to ordinary justice.

This legal approach aims to ensure that both players can continue playing for Barcelona while addressing a regulatory gap in financial fair play rules.

Barcelona maintains that current rules put clubs at a disadvantage. Regulations require registrations to be completed by December 31, despite January being the main transfer window in which clubs can adjust their salary margins.

For now, although the 1:1 rule has been restored, the challenge of registering Olmo and Víctor remains unresolved. However, Barcelona are determined to fight for their players and push for a fairer system that benefits both clubs and players.

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