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Two women argued over a road incident and in the middle of the fight one showed her breasts to the other

The Nerves altered in traffic incidents are becoming more frequent in the country and the range of reactions grows as the days go by and, this week, The unusual gesture that a woman made after an altercation with another girl to whom she showed her breasts was added.

In the images, which quickly went viral, A woman is seen who got out of her vehicle in Trelew, province of Chubutto complain to the driver of another vehicle that was behind after making a bad maneuver.

However, what could be A simple traffic argument, like so many others, led to a scene that went viral on social networks.

The incident occurred in recent days in the Villa Italia neighborhood, a few meters from the 157 primary school and the kindergarten located on Love Parry and Lezana streets in the Chubut city. The video shows how one of the women involved had an unexpected reaction in the middle of a verbal argument.

In the images you can see a woman dressed in dark pants and a pink t-shirt who is filmed from inside another car that is also driven by a woman. “Fucking cuckold,” the woman standing there says twice to the host who is recording.

Meanwhile, the person who records the moment relates: “I was coming from the left and almost hit me. It almost shocked me. I have it recorded here.”

In the middle of the story, the woman in dark pants and a pink T-shirt begins to walk towards her car. However, halfway there, she changes her mind and goes back to the window of the driver who was filming her, lifts her shirt and shows her breasts.

After the unusual reaction, he returns to his car and gets into the passenger seat. Meanwhile, the person filming says: “My God Trelew, I congratulate you. There it goes. It almost shocked me. I was going to the left. I hope someone does something. There they both go. “They almost hit me.” Neither of the two people involved filed a complaint for the incident.

A woman shows her breasts in a traffic argument

eight days ago, A woman, aboard a van, had a violent reaction that could have ended in tragedy after, after hitting a cyclist, He carried it hanging on the hood for more than two blocks in the middle of traffic on Libertador Avenue in Belgrano. Part of the violent sequence was recorded by home videos of passersby and residents of the area.

According to the police reportto which LA NACIÓN accessed: “Personnel from the 13A Neighborhood Police Station moved this Friday to noon hours to the intersection of Olazábal and Avenida Del Libertador after a 45-year-old man of Russian nationality who was riding a bicycle was collided by a Jeep Renegade truck that was trying to park in a dock.”

“As a result of the crash, the victim suffered a blow to his right elbow and approached to reproach the woman who was driving the vehicle, who suddenly started driving, hooking the victim’s bicycle to the back, dragging it for about ten meters. “, they explained from the Buenos Aires security force.

What followed is seen in a video recorded from an office. “When the truck stopped, the victim stood in front of it and The driver began her journey again, but this time dragging the Russian citizen on the hood of the truck for more than a hundred meters.until he stopped his march permanently.”

“The SAME arrived and assisted the victim, without the need for a referral, while the driver was charged with injuries by the Northern Flagrancy Unit,” they explained.

As LA NACION learned from judicial sourcesThe driver of the vehicle is a Colombian national, she lives in the country and assured that her reaction was due to a “nervous breakdown” from the first crash.

The record was withheld and the sources consulted explained that there are no elements to aggravate the legal qualification against the woman because the man suffered minor injuries.

According the criteria of

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