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The young man from Barcelona wishes to retire at the club after the recent renewal of the contract

Last month he saw FC Barcelona ensure a wave of contractual renovations, one of which saw the young defender Gerard Martin Pen an extension with the club.

The previous contract of the 22 -year -old left side would expire at the end of the current season and signed a new three -year agreement, which will keep it in Barcelona until 2028.

Gerard Martin wants to retire in Barcelona

However, if it depends on him, Martin admitted that he wants to stay in Barcelona for much longer, even possibly retire in the club.

“I hope to be here as long as possible. If I could, I would retire here. It is my dream. I wanted to be a footballer since he was a child “, Martin told Barça One.

“I always dreamed of playing for Barça. I used to score many goals when I was younger, but I think I used them all. I was close to scoring Betis, “ Added.

The 22 -year -old defender declared that he did not hesitate for a moment before signing his contract renewal, as noted:

“If I didn’t think twice when I had the opportunity to sign for Barça Atlético in the summer of 2023, imagine how little I hesitated to renew.”

Speaking about his trip that has taken him to Barcelona, ​​with a semi-regular role in the configuration of the first team under the Hansi movie, Martin said:

“If three years ago someone told me that I would be where I am now, I would not have expected it, but well. There is a lot of invisible work behind. But that is the case of all the players; sometimes the reward comes.”

Gerard Martin signed a new contract until 2028 (photo of Alex Caparros/Getty images)

Martin also admitted that the Legend of Barcelona Jordi Alba is his model to follow, as he said: “Jordi Alba is my idol. I always saw him because I played in the same position as me.

“He formed a great duo with Messi with those cuts of cuts. I don’t know if it is impossible to match your career, but I know it’s very difficult. “

The young man also recalled the moment he faced the Barcelona team of Xavi Hernández in the Copa del Rey while he was still with UD Cornella.

“It was one of my first games with the first team. He was not supposed to be that day, but a teammate could not play at the last minute due to discomfort. I have great memories of that game. I was really excited to play against Barça “, Martin recalled.

Concluding, Martin also expressed his thanks to Rafa Márquez, who gave him the opportunity at Atlético del Barça last season, saying:

“I didn’t expect to have a great impact last year. I played in all games, except one due to the suspension. It was not easy at the beginning because I had to adapt to the style of Barça.

“Rafa Márquez was very important, if I am here it is thanks to him and it gave me form and made me a footballer.”

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