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The referee of the Spanish Super Cup final speaks before the classic: “You know the responsibility you have”

The name Jesús Gil Manzano does not generate much goodwill in Catalonia, as the Spanish referee is known to have made decisions against the club at critical moments in the past.

Statistically, he is the referee who has had to be corrected the most times since the introduction of VAR with an astonishing 63 corrections.

Later tonight, it will be Gil Manzano who will referee the Spanish Super Cup final between Barcelona and Real Madrid and therefore some controversy can be expected, especially considering the heated atmosphere in The Classic.

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Gil Manzano talks about the final

Speaking to the media (h/t Sports World) Before the mega clash, Gil Manzano touched on a number of topics, including the general attack of the referees in recent times and what he expected in tonight’s clash.

He began by revealing that the rise in protests against referees has made referees more united and united than ever.

“There is a tremendous group unity. Let’s all go together. All opinions are respected and listened to and that brings wealth to this important group.”

“But what gives us greatness as a group is that we all come together, we all close ranks and go in the same direction.” he added.

Gil Manzano will be the man who blows the whistle tonight. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

He then expressed his disappointment that the world does not sufficiently appreciate the changes adopted by referees in recent times to show that they too are human.

“And to that effort, we have not seen a response from the media, from the institutions, from the clubs.”

“We have made that effort on our part and we have not obtained the appropriate response to the effort we have made to open.” continuous.

Looking ahead to today’s Spanish Super Cup final, the match referee accepted that it was a big responsibility on his shoulders.

“Directing a final is a responsibility because there is a team that is going to win a title and that is where the competition ends. You know the responsibility you have in each of the decisions you are going to make.”

He also referred to the general enthusiasm that existed before the crash and said:

“We have seen how each team plays. That gives us a plus and gets us into the environment of what we can expect.”

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