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The news from American Airlines on carry-on luggage: what you should know before getting on a plane

Millions of people travel to spend the end of year holidays with their families or rest in a tourist destination. Those who are going to fly should take into account the new provisions on hand luggage of the European Unionthat have been in force since last September and that affect the passengers flying to and from the United States. To clarify doubts of international travelers, american airlines accurate what can you take in the suitcase that goes in the airplane cabin and what things are prohibited.

American Airlines recommends reviewing baggage policies before arriving at the airportInstagram: @Americanair

American Airlines reported on its official website that each passenger can carry in the cabin a personal item and one piece of hand luggage. However, both must comply with specific dimensions.

Hand luggage must be placed in the compartment or under the seat in front of the one assigned.american airlines

personal item: In this category comes a small bag, briefcase oh backpack which must be able to be stored under the seat. Therefore, its dimensions should not exceed 45x35x20cm (18 x 14 x 8 inches). The airline clarifies that are not included in this category the following elements:

Likewise, the airline explained that the hand luggage must have a maximum size of 56 x 36 x 23 cm (22 x 14 x 9 inches), with handles and wheels included. Has to fit into the airport baggage meter. Otherwise, you will have to be registered to ship at the warehouse, a service that will not be charged.

On the other hand, it is clarified that on small aircraft or certain airports, additional restrictions may apply.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSAdepending on its acronym in English) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAAdepending on whether it is an acronym in English) certain items are prohibited in the cabin for security reasons.

In flights to European Union countries, certain products cannot be taken of animal origin, such as meats, cheeses, sausagesetc Objects not permitted include:

Transporting any of these items could result in fines or legal sanctions. Therefore, it is essential review updated TSA and FAA lists before each flight. In case of doubts about a particular object, can be consulted at the website.

To avoid inconvenience, American Airlines encourages passengers to familiarize themselves with the baggage policies before arriving at the airport.

TSA allows it the entry of food into the carry-on. Hot meals, vegetables and fruits can be carried, as long as they are inside the carry-on bag and evaluated from the X-ray scanner.

The TSA allows you to travel with some items in your carry-on luggageunpack

Regarding fresh products, TSA bans meat and seafood that are not packed with frozen ice packs.

Other objects that the service allows are common lighterscigarettes, camera equipment, dry batteries, lithium batteriesDisposable razors, nail clippers and non-liquid medications. If you need to carry the latter, you must comply with the 3-1-1 rulewhich states that product must be 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less, must fit in one (1) quart bag and must be only one (1) per carry-on bag.

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