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The Barcelona prodigy reflects on the lessons learned from the Atlético de Madrid defeat: “Two silly details”

Minutes after the final whistle against Atlético de Madrid, no player chose to speak to the media, but Pau Cubarsi took the opportunity to speak with Barça One.

The young centre-back, visibly frustrated and hurt by the last-minute defeat, addressed the media offering his opinion on the defeat.

Cubarsi admitted that he found the defeat one of the toughest of the season, especially because of the way the team had played.

He explained that while they had been playing an excellent game, small details led to their downfall, making this loss particularly difficult to swallow just before the Christmas holidays.

“This could be the toughest defeat of the season, we were playing a great game but due to some details we lost.” analyzed.

A much needed break

The defeat leaves Barcelona with just five points from their last 21, which is a worrying statistic for the squad. Despite the setback, Cubarsi remained optimistic and believed that the upcoming short break could be beneficial for the team.

Pau Cubarsi gave his opinion on Barcelona’s defeat. (Photo by Alex Caparrós/Getty Images)

“The team could use a break to reset and disconnect” he added.

In a calmer moment, Cubarsi reflected on what went wrong during the match. He pointed out two critical areas where the team failed.

Firstly, individual errors in defense cost them dearly and, secondly, the lack of precision in the attacking third prevented them from taking advantage of their opportunities.

“We made individual mistakes at the back and we lacked precision up front. This defeat is inexplicable but it is our fault. We are screwed but we have to overcome this game to start 2025 with everything.”

He ended by talking about the team’s initial approach to the game. Barcelona intended to start with great intensity, knowing that starting quickly would give them a better chance of success.

However, they were undone by a couple of avoidable mistakes that ultimately determined the outcome of the game.

“We wanted to go out with everything from the beginning because if we are plugged in from the beginning we have more possibilities, but they have marked two silly details for us.” he added.

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