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Look: the conversation between the doctor of Barcelona and Gavi that makes everyone talk

During the recent clash of Barcelona against Alaves, Gavi found himself in the heart of an unfortunate incident that forced him to leave the countryside.

The young midfielder crashed with Tomas Conechny, which led to concerns about the well -being of both players.

Conechny was removed in a medical car with an orthopedic device, while Gavi initially tried to continue, but was finally replaced by Fermin López.

Known for its implacable spirit and determination, Gavi clearly wanted to continue playing despite the reverse.

However, team doctors intervened to evaluate their thorough condition. The medical staff, following the standard protocols for brain shock, had to make the final decision on whether it could continue safely.

After being questioned apart, it became clear that Gavi was not in a position to stay in the field.

The conversation with Gavi

A particular question demonstrated decisive: “What day is?” Gavi’s response expressed concerns, since he could not remember the answer. “I don’t have an idea said.

While he answered with another question; “And what time is it? Can you tell me the moment of the game?The initial answer, “Two o’clock” Club Dr. Ricard Pruna did not risk.

Despite Gavi’s resistance, he was told to leave the game.

Raphinha and Flick intervened

Captain Raphinha intervened to support the decision, advising Gavi to follow medical advice after hitting the head. “Listen to me, you have suffered a blow to the head, brother.” The Brazilian said.

Hansi Flick, chief coach of Barcelona, ​​also supported the doctor’s call, “It’s a shock” emphasizing the need to prioritize the safety of the player. Although Gavi was visibly frustrated, the club’s decision was firm: his health was first.

“We have to be careful” The manager told the midfielder.

After the incident, Gavi was taken for an exhaustive medical examination in a nearby hospital. Fortunately, the results showed no serious problems, and the young midfielder was authorized to return home later that night.

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