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Juana Viale showed the sport she dabbled in with her boyfriend Yago Lange

Juana Avenue He lived a very special year both on a work and personal level. He was in charge of leading Having lunch with Juana (eltrece), starred in the play Joan at the Teatro Regio and found love with the nautical athlete Iago Langeson of Olympic sailor Santiago Lange. The couple has a low profile, but enjoys making public the extreme activities they do: they have already crossed the Atlantic Ocean aboard a sailboat and ran 15 kilometers. However, that was not all, because, before 2024 comes to an end, the actress surprised her followers by revealing What is the new sport you started with your boyfriend?.

Between April and May, the host was absent with notice from her television program to take a vacation. While Mirtha Legrand replaced her, she undertook an international adventure with Iago Lange. They got on a sailboat, sailed across the Atlantic and crossed important points such as Cape Verde and Gibraltar. In addition to learning, the objective of the trip was to collect plastic and record images for a documentary. They also did aluminum surf and even they put on goggles to swim in the sea.

Juanita Viale traveled her first 100 kilometers by bicycle (Photo: Instagram @juanavialeoficial / @yagolange)

The couple not only did water sports activities, but also land sports. In June, Viale revealed on Instagram that he fulfilled one of his goals for the year: run 15 kilometers. “I don’t even believe it… The closest I was to number 15 was when I went to Benavides,” he said at that time. Now he doubled down and did it on wheels. “First 100 kilometers on the bike… Ok?”he expressed on Wednesday on his Instagram stories.

His words were accompanied by a selfie which he took off with his green helmet and an orange long-sleeved sports shirt. He took off his sunglasses and covered one of his eyes with an upturned smiley face emoji. Although he showed his fatigue, he also made clear his happiness for having achieved his goal.

Yago Lange and Juanita Viale reached their goal of traveling 100 kilometers by bicycle (Photo: Instagram @juanavialeoficial)

He then replied to a publication by Langé. It was a photo that they both took with pure smiles under the blue sky after reaching their goal. “First 100 kilometers”the athlete wrote. Likewise, they shared their activity data: they covered a total distance of 100.01 kilometers, in a time of 3:41:41 and at an average speed of 27 kilometers per hour.

This week Juanita Avenue made headlines for not keeping her opinions to herself regarding the shortlist of female driving style of the Martín Fierro of Fashion. “We lost to Wanda Nara. She took the prize, but that’s the thing. Here it is win and lose, but, Who dresses in haute couture every Sunday? Just me. Only I can do it with the help of Gino Bogani and my entire team, because it is everyone’s effort and creativity,” he expressed on Sunday on his program and doubled down: “I don’t have Martín Fierro, but I have Gino Bogani, little ones He who can, can and he who can’t, cooks”.

Juana Viale and the chicane she released for Wanda Nara

True to his style, Wanda Nara He didn’t take long to respond. What did he do? As she was traveling in Europe with her boyfriend L-Gante, she posted several photos of her impressive wardrobe at her home in Milan, the capital of Italian haute couture. She showed off her extensive collection of designer handbags and shoes and even posed in front of the mirror with some Dolce & Gabbana pieces. Her publications did not go unnoticed and showed that, when it comes to fashion, she does not remain silent.

After criticism from Juana Viale, Wanda Nara showed the collection of designer handbags she has in her Milan closet(Source: Instagram/@wanda_nara)

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