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Javier Milei defended Ritondo and assured that he is a victim of operations: “For helping us and collaborating”

From Tucumán, the president JavierMiley He offered a speech at the Federalism and Freedom Foundation, where he spoke once again about the journey he took to reach the Casa Rosada. In his message, the president acknowledged how “fundamental” the contribution of the block of PRO deputies driven by Cristian Ritondo and maintained that the legislator “today is being a victim of operations precisely for helping us and collaborating.”

The reference of the head of the Executive has to do with the complaint before the federal Justice that fell on the former Minister of Security of Buenos Aires due to the suspicion that his wife, Romina Aldana Diagoappears related to companies that own real estate in Miami.

The President highlighted the support of the Tucumán governor Osvaldo Jaldo and his Catamarca counterpart, Raúl Jalil, as well as the “increasingly larger group of radicals who, over the months, have joined the reformist project that came to change Argentina.”

“Although we have started from different spaces, today we are increasingly closer to this ideological reordering,” he added and mentioned that La Libertad Avanza (LLA) is willing to add “all those who are willing to defend the ideas of freedom.”

“Embracing the ideas of freedom, Argentina is going to be great again,” he assured.

He again questioned the media who, he claimed, tried to hinder that path with lies. “We resist the onslaught of corrupt politicians, economists and journalists,” held.

“What seemed impossible we made possible.” he stated. “If there is a reason why I became President without a party or governors, it is because I always prefer to tell an uncomfortable truth than a comfortable lie,” he later added.

Milei based his speech on three points: “the power of truth, of the macroeconomic order and the truth.” “Despite the operations against us, we won the elections through the voice of the people, who on social networks responded with two truths for every lie,” he continued.

The president traveled to Tucumán this Thursday to receive the Juan Bautista Alberdi award granted by the Federalism and Freedom Foundation. He arrived in the province with his sister and Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, and there he was received by the governor Osvaldo JaldoPeronist ally of the Government, who served as host.

Javier Milei, at the annual dinner of the Federalism and Freedom Foundation

The last time the President visited the province was on July 9, during the call for the May Act, to which 18 governors signed. However, the president received Jaldo in October, in Olivos, in return for his support in Congress.

In another passage, Milei again mentioned the cuts that his administration carried out in the different areas of the Government, among which he mentioned the elimination of the Ministry of Women, public works and “discretionary transfers to the provinces.” as well as the dismissal of state employees and the reduction of salaries for civil servants. In that context and in the midst of the tension with the vice president, he expressed criticism of Victoria Villarruel, although without expressly mentioning her.

“We have not increased our salary as they did in the Senate,” he stated and differentiated it from the situation in the Deputies, where its head, Martín Menem, “applied a large number of cuts to end the privileges that do not help.” people and only make politicians rich.”

In another reference to the economic improvements that, according to what he asserted, occurred in the last 12 months, the president recalled that at the beginning of the month he assumed the presidency of Mercosur and raised some points for his management, particularly in reference to the ties with the government of Donald Trump.

“The first point has to do with working together against drug trafficking and terrorism and eliminating tariff barriers because Mercosur would not be functioning as it is,” he analyzed.

At this point, he noticed a third line, which he considered “the most important.” “It is that member countries can negotiate free trade agreements with other countries in the world. In that sense, I have said that we are going to work on a free trade agreement with the United States and this seemed like a chimera. Today one of the men who works with Trump said that it is about advancing the freedom agenda with Argentina”

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