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How will the weather be at Christmas 2024, according to the SMN

Next week is Christmas, the holiday of Christian origin that is celebrated on December 25, and that is why many people wonder How will the weather be on that date, according to the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

As is known, on this date it matters so much the weather forecast for the 25th as well as the 24th, Christmas Eve or Christmas Evein whose evening or night time slot people meet to celebrate Christmas starting at midnight. Therefore, the weather prediction covers the two dates, corresponding to the next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Due to the prominent place that the Christmas toast occupies, it is important to know what the weather will be like on both December 25 and 24

A first trend developed by the meteorological observer Diego Angela warns that “on Tuesday he will enter cold air in the morning or in the early afternoon to promote a significant drop in temperature.” This drop in the thermometer is interpreted differently according to the projections, and It is not ruled out that the Christmas table must be set indoors.

“Some algorithms say that our column would withstand the onslaught while others do not close the door to some drizzle or isolated rain,” says Angeli, although he also points out that “it is now certain that the holidays will take place with very comfortable temperatures without exceeding 23ºC at the time of dinner.” In this sense, the meteorologist urges “wait until Monday’s report to find out if we will have a table inside or a table outside”.

It must be taken into account that the uncertainty of the next few days is also given by the upcoming change of seasons: Saturday at 6:19 a.m. the solstice will occur and it will officially be summer throughout the southern hemisphere, leaving spring behind, although without the full force that the warmest season of the year reaches later.

The forecast of National Meteorological Service for Christmas Eve and Christmas It is not yet ready, since the temporal distance with the dates does not yet allow us to report all the details that this organization is used to. However, some initial forecasts of temperatures, wind and sky state in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

He Tuesday the 24th, a thermal amplitude is anticipated that would range from 21°C minimum to 26°C maximumin the morning and afternoon slots, respectively. It is important to highlight that this will represent a significant decrease compared to the dynamics of the previous days and especially on Monday the 23rd, where the maximum would be 29°C.

The National Weather Service forecast for Wednesday, December 25

Throughout the day, the sky will be cloudy, although The SMN does not give a rain forecast at the moment. The report also includes a forecast of the wind at a maximum speed of 22 kilometers per hour throughout the day, at first from the northwest direction and, after noon, coming from the southeast.

The toast will be made in on Wednesday, December 25, which will have an average of 22°C before noon. The sky will remain cloudy, and will become partly cloudy in the afternoon, when the maximum of 26°C announced for that day will be recorded. The wind will maintain the intensity of the previous day, with a maximum of 22 km/h, blowing at all times from the southeast.

According the criteria of

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