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He was a shoemaker in Mexico, but emigrated to the US and founded a supermarket in Los Angeles: “He never looked back”

Located in the heart of southern California, Northgate Gonzalez Market It is more than an ordinary supermarket. This chain, Founded more than four decades ago and with 43 stores distributed in the regionbecame a reference for latin communities by offering a shopping experience that combines traditional products and a sense of community.

Miguel González Jiménez (center), the founder of the chain, opened the first branch in

“Northgate Market is proud to bring you a taste of Mexican authenticity”, invites the supermarket chain on the home page of its website.

The history of this company has its roots in Jalostotitlán, Jaliscowhere Miguel González Jiménez He worked as a shoemaker in his hometown. However, a tragedy changed his life.

According to the company itself on its website, In 1952, a fire destroyed his shoe store and led him to rethink his future. “What was once Don Miguel’s pride was reduced to ashes,” he says.

With the support of his wife, Teresa Reynoso de Gonzálezand his community, Miguel moved on and 14 years later decided to migrate to the United States in search of a better life for his family and to fulfill the true “american dream”( “american dream“, in English).

Northgate Market’s second branch in California during its

That decision marked the beginning of a path that would lead him to open his first business in 1980: a small supermarket in Anaheim, California. What started as a 186 meter liquor store squares became a huge market that soon gained the trust of the Latino community. “The González family never looked back”highlights the company on its page.

With the joint efforts of Miguel, Teresa and their thirteen children, the business grew rapidly. According to The New York Timesat the moment, 34 family members actively participate in the management of the company.

Joshua Gonzalezgrandson of the founders and current general director, assured that medium that “at first the supermarket was not strategic, but the constant growth of Northgate until it became a multimillion-dollar business was parallel to the rise of immigration from Mexico.”

Northgate González Market stores offer a wide variety of products, from tortillas homemade up fresh guacamole, sausage and tres leches cake.

“Every visit to a Northgate market has a story behind it. We want to be part of that history,” the company, which also has bakeries, butcher shops and tortilla shops within its branches, expresses on its official website.

The chain focuses on the quality of service to its

“Our values ​​are reflected in our service. At Northgate, we are committed to warmly welcoming everyone, being attentive and making shopping easy for customers,” it adds in its institutional information.

The design of supermarkets also plays an important role. With open spaces and stalls that highlight regional specialtiesNorthgate offers an experience that invites you to explore and connect with the latin culture.

The chain employs thousands of people, and offers benefits like training, language classes, and educational reimbursements in collaboration with institutions such as Cerritos School and the University of Southern California (USC).

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