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He wanted to stop a fight at a soccer game and shot the players

An unusual and violent episode occurred in the western area of Rosary when a young broke into a property where They were playing a seven-a-side football game and shot one of the players. The scene was recorded by several of those present and later went viral.

The case occurred on Thursday at the court complex located at Servando Bayo at 2400, in the city of Santa Fe, where an argument broke out between the two groups of young people who were participating in the match. However, the situation worsened when an armed person appeared and shot.

The fight did not break out at the time, but rather gained notoriety when this Friday the recordings began to circulate through WhatsApp groups and social networks, according to the newspaper. The Capital.

The moment a young man tried to stop a fight with shots in Rosario

The images stored on cell phones show that a young woman tried to stop the aggressor when she noticed that he was taking out the firearm, but her attempt was unsuccessful. The roar caused by the shot caused the blows between both sides to stop and those present began to run to protect themselves from possible impacts.

Although there were no injuries, the person in charge of the place regretted what happened and, according to the same news site, considered that what happened was “a stain” since it was “a very family-like atmosphere.” As an example, he mentioned that in parallel to the game in which the conflict developed, “there were children on the other side of the fence and other groups had already begun to barbecue.”

Despite the impact of the shooting, the courts reopened their doors. According to the manager, the teams that had gone to play are regular customers, unlike the person who shot, whom he said he did not know.

“This is not going to affect us. “We are going to cheer him up and cover up this stain,” said the man, who lamented the levels of violence and considered that what happened was an isolated episode.

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