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Gordo Christmas Giveaway in Mexico for US$10 million: can it be played from the US?

He Christmas Jackpot Draworganized annually by the Mexican National LotteryIt is one of the most anticipated events for participants of this game of chance. With a jackpot of 204 million Mexican pesos, equivalent to approximately ten million dollars, will take place next December 24.

The event is characterized by its exclusivity, since Only 80,000 tickets numbered from 00001 to 80,000 participate. Also offers 16,722 prizes distributed among different categoriesThese include direct wins and cashbacks, which increases your chances of winning.

Tickets for El Gordo de Navidad cost approximately US$5.88Photo Facebook National Lottery

Participation in this giveaway is limited to residents of Mexico over 18 years of age. Tickets can be purchased at authorized points of sale throughout that country and official digital platforms.

Available series:

Each series represents a fraction of the jackpotwhich means that by purchasing a complete series, the possibility of obtaining the full prize amount is increased.

Unfortunately, It is not possible to participate from outside Mexico. According to the rules of the National Lottery, Tickets are only available for purchase within Mexican territory through authorized agencies or official platforms. This ensures compliance with local and tax regulations.

The draw is only for residents of Mexico over 18 years of age.Photo Facebook National Lottery

The drawing not only rewards the jackpot winning number, but also awards multiple prizes in different categories:

Awards for series:

In addition, other economic rewards are distributed:

In total, The draw distributes more than US$21 million among the different categoriesbecoming one of the most generous of the year.

Prize table for the Christmas Jackpot DrawScreenshot National Lottery of Mexico

After the draw, Participants can confirm whether they have won through various methods:

To collect a prize, It is necessary to present the winning ticket at the national lottery offices or at authorized bank branches. The winners have up to 60 days natural to claim their reward.

Required documents:

The prizes are subject to a 7% taxwhich is distributed between the federal government (1%) and the corresponding state government (6%).

With its exclusive format and significant prizes, the Gordo de Navidad continues as one of the most anticipated giveaways of the year. Although it is not possible to participate from the US, those in Mexico can do so through official channels.

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