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Fruits that cleanse the colon and are the best for preventing diseases

One of the organs of the human body that many people must take care of, Since it is considered the second brain of the body, it is the intestine. This part of the body has an area through which waste is eliminated called the colon. Therefore, having a healthy diet is essential so that the colon remains in perfect condition and does not present any type of condition, which is why, There are some fruits and vegetables that can help this part of the body function properly..

According to an article in New York Times International Weekly the most important fiber for the colon is that which comes from fruits, vegetables and cereals. Likewise, if you focus more on what has to do with fruits, there are three that are the best to give health to the intestine, specifically the colon and these are apple, pear and plumsince they can help avoid diseases such as diverticulitis, which consists of inflammation of small pouches in the intestine.

Plums, a super powerful food when it comes to intestinal health care (Photo: iStock)magnate751

In this list, there are also other fruits such as pineapple, mango, strawberry and watermelonIn addition to vegetables such as spinach, celery, and grains like lentils. In relation to this, the aforementioned article also suggests that these fruits and vegetables can be consumed raw or through smoothies, without having to use a strainer, since the husk that remains is the one that contains the most fiber.

For what stood out, yogurts and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kefir They can also help colon health, since they contain probiotics that contribute to the proliferation of good bacteria in this area of ​​the body. In addition, other foods that can contribute to colon cleansing are aloe vera, cucumber, apple and ginger.

From irritable bowel syndrome to diverticulitis, there are several conditions related to the colon.Image by Alicia Harper on Pixabay

According to the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, some of the conditions that can occur in the colon are:

The worrying thing about These diseases are that when not treated in time they can lead to colon cancer..

Fruits that detoxify the colon and reduce the risk of diseases

It is important to avoid suffering from diseases such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel syndrome. Do not consume ultra-processed foods such as sausages and sauces, since they make digestion difficult, as well as not consuming products that are too spicy, because they can cause discomfort, even more so if you already have a condition in the intestine.

Also, when a person does not consume enough fiber, the composition of the bacteria changes, according to an article published in the journal Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology. Therefore, it is essential the consumption of probiotics so that bacteria live in the intestine that promote good colon health.

It is worth noting that, before including any new food to your diet, it is advisable to consult with a specialist doctor..

*By Luz Ángela Domínguez Coral

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