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Barcelona hopes that the club’s veteran will make a future decision

Barcelona are currently awaiting a definitive response from Robert Lewandowski regarding his future at the club, as recently reported by SPORT.

The Polish striker, who arrived with high expectations, is now in the spotlight for a notable drop in performance.

This has caused concern within the club, especially as they lack a suitable replacement and must decide whether to renew their contract for another season.

While confidence in Lewandowski remains high, the club expects a strong response from him on the pitch to dispel any doubts.

Barcelona trusts Lewandowski

Hansi Flick has full faith in Lewandowski’s abilities and the club is satisfied with his professionalism and contributions so far.

However, Barcelona’s heavy reliance on him could become problematic if his form does not improve soon. This dependency has sparked internal discussions about its future, with opinions divided on the best course of action.

One side believes it would be prudent to seal Lewandowski’s contract at the end of this season, leaving room for a new top striker if finances allow.

Barcelona is waiting for Lewandowski’s response. (Photo by Fran Santiago/Getty Images)

On the other hand, some believe that the club should respect the existing agreement, as finding a striker of his caliber could be difficult.

This debate is further complicated by Lewandowski’s age, which naturally raises questions about long-term sustainability.

On track to meet requirements

Lewandowski is approaching the threshold that would automatically activate the last year of his contract.

If he avoids injuries, he is expected to complete the required 60% of matches until February. The forward remains eager to continue and feels physically capable of performing at a high level.

For now, there is no suggestion of cutting ties prematurely, but the situation could require negotiations in the future if priorities change.

What is clear is that Barcelona need to address their lack of depth at the forward position. To achieve this, Deco is determined to incorporate a traditional nine that can compete with the Polish one.

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